Cinque Wine & Deli

The Best Wine & Deli in Athens

Month: April 2017

A food lover loves Cinque!

A food lover loves Cinque! Στην καρδιά της Αθήνας, σ’ένα στενάκι στου Ψυρρή, ένα wine & deli bar περιμένει τους οινόφιλους να τους ταξιδέψει, δίνοντας έμφαση σε λιγότερο γνωστές ποικιλίες κρασιού, ειδικές εμφιαλώσεις και μικρούς παραγωγούς. Ο Γρηγόρης και η Ευαγγελία είναι η ψυχή του μαγαζιού! Πάντα με χαμόγελο κερδίζουν τον πελάτη, σε κάνουν να[…]

Retsina – Cinque’s Guide to Indigenous Greek Grape Varieties

Retsina Retsina (“Re – tsee -nah”) is the best known traditional Greek wine. Its reputation was not always positive, where it had long overshadowed other distinguished Greek wines and appellations. According to archaeological finds and countless written articles, regarding its production and consumption, Retsina, or “retinitis oenos” as it was called in antiquity, has been[…]

Moschofilero – Cinque’s Guide to Indigenous Greek Grape Varieties

moschofilero Anyone in pursuit of a Greek white grape variety which promises refreshment and enlivenment, offering unprecedented exoticism in a Mediterranean country, should look no further than Moschofilero (Moss-koh-FEE-leh-roh).  “Moscho”, the first part of its name, has the meaning of a charismatic grape, the most aromatic one of the Filéri grape family. Despite the reddish[…]

Wine culture = Cinque wine & deli bar

Wine culture = Cinque Wine & Deli​ We feel very honored that Cinque Wine & Deli won the only award for the” Wine Culture” , on Tourism Awards.Thanks for the mention!! “The Bronze Award in the “Wine Culture” sub-category was won by Cinque Wine & Deli in Athens, in recognition of their continuing[…]

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