Cinque Wine & Deli

The Best Wine & Deli in Athens

Month: March 2020

Domaine Hatzimichalis

Domaine hatzimichalis Dimitris Hatzimichalis is the founder and current managing director of Domaine Hatzimichalis. In 1973 he bought his first 9 hectares in Atalanti Valley which is located in Central Greece. Atalanti Valley sits between the cool breezes of Mount Parnassus and the Euboean Gulf of the Aegean Sea. Atalanti was home to a tradition[…]

PDO Wines of Greece

PDO Wines of Greece PDO Wines of Greece (“Protected Designation of Origin”) include the Greek wine category of “Designation of Origin Wines” (AOQS and AOC). The areas where AOQS wines are produced – “Designation of Origin of Superior Quality” (part of thePDO Wines of Greece) are in essence the historical winegrowing and winemaking areas of[…]

PGI Wines of Greece

PGI Wines of Greece The PGI Wines of Greece (“Protected Geographical Indication”) comprise the Greek “Local Wines” category and some wines of “Traditional Appellation”. Both European and Greek wine legislation stipulates that local wines are a sub-category of table wines which have been experiencing considerable growth both in Greece and other European countries. The introduction[…]

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