Cinque Wine & Deli

The Best Wine & Deli in Athens

Month: May 2020

International Museum Day

International Museum Day May 18th is dedicated to the Museums and people worldwide in a celebration of the International Museum Day for 2020. Greece, the birth place of culture, arts, sciences, and civilisation, has many museums to visit across the mainland and the islands as well. The new Museum of Acropolis is the gem of[…]

Wine Cocktails

wine cocktails Sparkling Strawberry Bellini 2 fresh strawberries ¼ ounce lemon juice 1 teaspoon sugar 3 ounces “AMALIA BRUT” Blend strawberries with sugar and a touch of lemon juice Pour puree into a coupe or Champagne flute Top with “AMALIA BRUT” Garnish with additional strawberry Samos Spritzer Soda water 50ml “VIN DOUX” 100ml Serve Samos[…]

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