The most versatile and flexible proposal in its category

Athens is a city that seems to lack nothing. It has a living history that echoes from the Acropolis, rolls down to Plaka and from there sneaks into every alley, giving birth to new stories every minute. 

Gatsos wrote, Hadjidakis set to music and Nana Mouskouri sang the lyrics: “Athens, joy of the earth and the dawn’s little blue lily”, sealing its universality on a global level.

In the heart of the capital, where all the peoples of the world meet to feel the deep and essential feeling of hospitality, to taste quality Mediterranean flavors, smelling aromas that emerge from a bottle of wine, there is since 2015, Cinque Wine & Deli.

Cinque Wine & Deli cannot be placed easily in one of the known categories of catering, but if we have to do so, we would say that it is a specialized Wine Bar. But the truth is, what has been born in the heart of the city is a concept that encompasses many more elements at its core. The passion for good Greek wine sets high goals, so that the guest who visits each of the shops can recall their experience in the place as something unique and unforgettable.

“From the moment a visitor appears on our doorstep, we welcome them and make them feel that they are among friends.”

A special experience is waiting for you to live it.

Cinque Wine & Deli, apart from the excellent quality wines and the accompanying dishes, provides a series of unique experiences through which visitors have the opportunity to get to know and connect with the philosophy of wine on the one hand and with Greek culture and tradition on the other!

Wine & food tastings, experiential seminars on Greek cuisine and winery tours in Greek vineyards make the visitor feel familiar with the production of quality Greek wine, while getting to know an important part of Greek food and entertainment. The interest in the best possible visitor experience is complemented by a unique opportunity for entertainment and education from wine experts using Virtual Reality technology. An educational tour of the winery through virtual reality will create an unforgettable memory for those who have this innovative experience. Cinque Wine & Deli, is not just here to stay in the town, but also to travel in a place where people share a passion for wine, aesthetics and generous hospitality. The multiple store types that it offers lead to satisfying multiple buying audiences as well as increasing sales and profitability. It is a complete franchise proposal, organized in every detail, ready to conquer many different areas in Greece and abroad. Both the Greek public and the travellers who flood our country in most months of the year are increasingly setting the bar for quality, service and aesthetics. The answer to all this, can only be the Cinque Wine & Deli. Cinque Wine & Deli: GOLD WINNER FRANCHISE BUSINESS MODEL INNOVATION 2022 OF THE FRANCHISE SUCCESS AWARDS.
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