Cinque Wine & Deli

The Best Wine & Deli in Athens

Virtual Wine Tasting

Welcome to Cinque Wine Bar!

Read about our upcoming Virtual Wine Tasting Event:

“Welcome to Cinque wine bar!
I’m Grigoris and I’m Evangelia, we are so happy to meet you!”

These are the words that our guests hear every night when they enter through our door.

Similarly, when it comes to virtual wine tasting, we offer to you the opportunity to be entertained and educated by our wine experts from home. Join us for an educational, virtual wine tasting from your own living room!

  1. Are you hoping to have the experience of our Greek wine tastings in the comfort of your home?
  2. Are you interested in buying an awesome gift for a wine-loving friend?
  3. Are you willing to learn more from our experts about Greek wines, pairings, and more?

Since 2016 on TripAdvisor, Cinque Wine Bar has been the #1 ranked restaurant destination in Athens. We want to share our love and knowledge of wine and pairings with you!

With our live, and interactive experience, you’ll have the opportunity to ask any questions you might have, which will be answered by us!

Our goal is to recreate our tasting experience, that we offer to our guests every night here in Athens. In addition, you can spend an afternoon, entertaining your inner circle of wine loving friends.


Wine list - Wine bar Athens - wine tasting- greek wine tasting Athens



Simply pick your desired date and time (we recommend at least 8-10 days from the desirable date), then check out to submit your booking request. You’ll receive a response back within 24 hours.

Wine list - Wine bar Athens - wine tasting- greek wine tasting Athens - wine club



Once your booking is confirmed, you’ll receive a welcome email, outlining the details of your Virtual Experience, including how to purchase wine, and invite friends to join you. Your Experience can include up to ten (10) guests.

Virtual winery tour - Prassas Nikitas - Sommelier



Prior to your scheduled Virtual Experience, you’ll receive an email containing a private link to join. At the time of your tasting, just pour your wine, click the link to join virtually, and enjoy!

If you register, you’ll receive:

  • three wines delivered (the same three wines, which we will be tasting in Athens)
  • three indicators for your wine glasses
  • three Greek delicacies for pairing with the wines (homemade chutney, olives, and rusks)
  • Tech assistance for a smooth and frictionless experience
  • Cinque Wine Bar guide
  • Informative video about the wines & the terroir
  • Tasting notes
  • Access to purchase additional wine
  • An invitation to join our wine club

After receiving the wines, you will also receive a code to join us, in a virtual wine tasting.

We look forward to “seeing” you at Cinque Wine Bar’s Virtual Wine Tasting Event!


@elisemUne degustation a faire
Super degustation des vins grecs. On cherchait avec mes amis a gouter quelque vins de Grece et comme on ne pouvait pas visiter Athenes, on a tombait sur le site de Cinque. On a choisi les ambassadeurs blanc et rouges et on n' a pas regretter. Les bouteilles sont arrivees en condition parfaite, on a reserve avec Evangelie et Gregoire et on a eu des moments remarquables! On etait six personnes et on a beaucoup aimer! A ne pas hesiter a faire!
A pandemic calls for ordering a wine tasting from Greece and then taking their advice to have the wine with oysters 😊
@HannahwszalekAmazing virtual wine tasting!!!
When trying to figure out a birthday gift for my wife during this tough time for all across the globe, I came across the virtual wine tasting offering from our favorite restaurant in the world we were lucky enough to go to on our honeymoon in 2017. Grigoris, Evangelia and Nikitas sent us 3 wines and some other greek offerings to our apartment in Japan and while under quarantine, we were able to have a perfect birthday date night. Not only were Grigoris, Evangelia and Nikitas telling us about the wines, they also virtually added the owners of the various vineyards of the wines we were drinking to teach us about their wines. My wife was crying for days about how perfect a gift this was, and I can't thank Grigoris, Evangelia and Nikitas enough for the amazing virtual wine tasting we had together. Hopefully the restaurant will be open again soon, but until then, the virtual wine tasting is a perfect experience to feel like you are out on the town having a date night.


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