(Bottle 750ml)


Type: White, Dry
Category: Protected Geographical Indication (PGI) Macedonia
Variety: 100% Xinomavro
Region: Macedonia
Producer: Vaeni Wines


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A unique white dry wine created from red grapes (Blanc de Noir), yielding an aromatic and balanced taste preserved in an elaborate bottle. It is a bright, edgy wine distinguished by a particularly rich composition of aromas.


Special vinification technique where grapes from the noble red variety Xinomavro are used, which are carefully crushed, without pressure, so that we collect only the first juice (preparation) which is then led to a very slow alcoholic fermentation, in stainless tanks and at a very low temperature (8°C).


Seductive wine, with shades of yellow grape characterized by a full body, rich aroma of green apples, pears and tropical fruits. Unruly but balanced with a particularly aromatic character, soft taste and long aftertaste.

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Additional information

Weight 1.6 kg
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