Together with a little glass of raki or ouzo, to get the food down, like this, for a few minutes, while standing up. Here’s the meze, just born out of the bourgeois need for a snack until it’s time for the family dinner and for a brief relief from the stresses of everyday life, so that their life doesn’t end up being a home-work and work-home life only.
Between one bite and two sips they analyzed the social issues of the city, the political situation, the weather, and more. The meze became the occasion and together they became the cause. Gradually, these establishments, more Romaic and less Jewish, established the meze on a more systematic basis, the bakalides pickled fresh fish themselves (every tavern had a barrel full of salted sardines), fried mussels, matured casserias and pastrami, and expected regulars clients now not only in the afternoons, but at all hours.
Social and talkative, the Polites welcomed the meze into their homes as well, as an entity separate from their traditional treats – the dumplings, buns, cakes, and pies with which they accompanied coffee and tea.