Το Cinque στο Greece is Wine/First Edition 2016

Cinque love Greek wine and we very proud to on this list!!!
Great publication by Kathimerini!!!

Despite the fact that almost 99% of  Black Corinth normally finds itself sold in a pouch full of currants, the remaining small percentage ends up in the bottles containing Mavrodaphne of Patras, the famous sweet red wine.

This small wine bar in the Psyrri neighborhood in Athens’ historic center offers 30 labels representing almost every wine-producing region in the country. Choose among the five different wine flights for a comparative tasting session, each of which is accompanied by a taste of Greek cooking. Prices range from €3-5.40 per glass and €12-26 per bottle.

INFO | 15 Agatharchou, Psyrri • Tel. (+30) 6977212792

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