Cinque Wine & Deli

The Best Wine & Deli in Athens

1st #winelover & #LifeLover reunion celebrated at Cinque!

The first ever reunion of the 2 communities: #LifeLover & winelover got celebrated at Cinque in 11 February.

Our small place filled with amazing people who celebrated their love for life but also for the wine!!

Life lovers and winelovers from Greece, Denmark, Cyprus , United States , had wonderful times sharing very special wines in a BYOB dinner.

The evening was just before the beginning of the adventures in Cyprus for the celebration of the 5th anniversary of the #winelover community.

Special thanks to everyone for being part of this evening and special thanks to Luiz Alberto , President of the communities , who is an inspiration for us!

In Cinque Wine & Deli Mykonos, with the great view of the sunset, some lucky people enjoyed, except from the great view, the unique wines!

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