Cinque Wine Club

Great Wines From Greece Delivered At Home.

Cinque Wine & Deli in Athens is a small family run wine bar located in the historical center. The family’s passion for the wine starts back to 2004 after a trip to Friuli in North Italy where, for the first time, they fell in love with the wine.
In 2012, when financial crisis started, they decided to turn their hobby into their job.

The first Cinque Wine & Deli was born in Lamia, a small city in Central Greece. Currently you can visit Cinque Wine & Deli in Athens in the lively district Psyrri. In the Monastiraki district you can find Cinque Wine & Deli . You can discover native Greek varieties through a wine tasting and you can find many wines to choose from…..


Cinque Wine Club, great wines from Greece delivered at home

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